Me and Ollie also got talking about a little project of his, tentatively called "My life as told through interpretive dance" (or something - it keeps changing) and we might be working together to make it into a nice little mini comic. I have always really liked Olivers drawings and this project in particular is both adorable and hilarious based on what I've seen so far. He's posted a little snippet of it over on his blog - please go check it out because it's aweosme!
And hell, while you're at it you should go check out the new Taxpayers album, To risk so much for one damn meal. This band is seriously my favorite punk band since coming across Andrew Jackson Jihad a few years ago. Constantly changing their sound in new and interesting ways - just what a punk band should be!
This album has a cleaner sound and TONS of horns. It's obviously a very well written and planned album and has a really nice pace to it. Like their other albums it's a little all over the place stylistically but it's a little more coherent here, in my opinion. a couple of songs that I particularly love are some kind of disaster relief and it gets worse every minute but really, the entire album is fantastic!
hey man, these new comics are fantastic and sooo hopeful! i love it!
also, i listened to that new Taxpayers album after you tweeted the link to it, and i definitely agree that it's superb! definitely my current favourite band. thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks a lot, dude! I've got a lot more hope than I ever have right now!
And yeah, the Taxpayers are AWESOME!
I got your Boredom Pays 1 & 2 in the post today(all the way from Canada land to England)with free The Worst In Everything! Thanks man!
Thanks for the link to the new Taxpayers album, I love those guys!
I, too, am loving the new comics. Keep it up Jason, you are awesome.
Biscuit - Glad you liked the comics!
Andrew - Thanks for thinking I'm aweosme and, of course, loving the Taxpayers!
I agree with the rest of the folks here. Great work Jason! ^-^
Hey! Thanks for linking to our album, you have quite the nice blog and I dig your comics.
Hopefully we'll make it to Toronto sometime, getting across the border as a band can be tricky.
-Phil Taxpayer
Hey! Thanks for making music worth listening to!
I would love it if you ever made it out to Toronto, though, I totally understand the border issues. It's a shame that more bands don't come this way over such a silly thing!
Thanks for the shout out!!! I like your cartoons.
noah / taxpayers
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