Monday, May 07, 2012


Had a really fantastic time at TCAF this past weekend. It was amazing to meet so many of you that I’ve talked to through the internet for the past couple of years and the readers that I was meeting for the first time. Totally blown away with the amount of love that everybody who came to my table showed me! I just wish there was more time to hang out with all of you because two days is simply not enough.



Sheikasaurus Rex said...

Yay! I'm so glad TCAF went so amazingly. Someday, we will meet and I will greet you with a giant hug and a cookie.

Unknown said...

TCAF was amazing. I had about 100 cartoonist crushes before, and now it's about a million.

Matt said...

TCAF was unbelievable! I've been reading comics like crazy the past few days and I'm so inspired to draw more... The only problem is that now I'm gonna want to go every year.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Now I too feel bad that I didn't go.