Also, if you're interested in some other silly (albeit, musical) things you should check out these:
Nate Powell(of swallow me whole fame)'s new band Universe have made their album "Passenger" available for free(of pwyc) here. The album itself is quite good, a mix of punky thrashness with a nice Godspeed You! Black Emperor vibe thrown in. I would recommend the tracks "Wendigo" or "Memmory foam".
I have always admired Nate Powell's comic work as well. Tiny Giants was one of those indie comics I picked up when I was first getting into them a couple of years ago and it has always stuck with me as something to aspire to.
Madeline Ava, whom I posted about here, has just released another album, "For all the shy punk kids"(also for free!)
The song "Teeny Tiny" holds a special place in my heart. The first time I heard this song I almost broke down in tears because I struggle so much with the things this song speaks to on a daily basis. Silly, maybe, but holy shit I love it.
Anyways, until next time,
Jason <3
Awesome comic. You're not alone in your feeling of being kinda separate from "normalcy." I think it's a quirk of being a comic artist that you feel like a perpetual outsider.
Thanks for the music recommendations. You had me at "Godspeed! You Black Emperor." And I'm excited for the new Madeline Ava, who I got into solely because of you. I'm gonna download them right now.
Thanks Matt!
I find that I do generally feel out of place in the world. I've always thought that autobio comics are such a nice vehicle for expressing all that that entails.
Maybe that's why there are so many damn autobio comics out there. We cartoonists are such a strange bunch.
Hope you enjoy the music!
Love the two albums. Thanks Jay. Particularly like and relate to "Never Give In"
I definitely relate to the feeling that I have lost touch with the 'real' world. My values are so different from nearly everyone else that I know.
I just wanted to say hi! I found your blog early this morning and have spent the last few hours reading through your archives, as well as Boredom Pays 1 & 2. You've quickly become a new personal favorite. :)
Thank you so much, Sheikasaurus!
It's always very flattering to see that people are finding and enjoying these things!
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