Hello, all
Apologies if I have been ignoring you for the past couple of weeks, I’ve been busy with work and life and have had trouble finding the time to sit down and try to get anything more than some sketches down on break or on the bus.
The good thing about doing whatever sketching I can, though, is that I’ve got a bunch of ideas floating around in my head of things I want to do ranging from a fictional slice of life story about growing up in rural Ontario to a post apocalyptic adventure story about deformed mutant humans living in the ghetto.
I’ve been thinking of finishing a couple of old comics that I’ve left sitting for a long time, too. I like the ideas in some of em’ and it might be fun to give them another shot after so much time.
Point is: I’m working on it.
Jason <3
I really like the sketch, man. Can't wait to see the stuff you've got cookin' (when you're ready, of course). You rule!
hah, thanks for the encouragement!
Jeez that's a beautiful sketch! Posture is perfect and relaxed. Good sense of weight. This sketch is the epitome of everything I aspire to achieve when I'm drawing.
Well gee-golly, thanks Chris! Means a lot coming from you, I love your drawings!
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