I always have these little private freak out sessions whenever I get close to finishing anything. I can have a really low self esteem – especially about my artwork – when I want to.
In other “news” I’ve really been digging Bomb the music industry!’s album Scrambles. You can download the whole thing for free here. I tried to listen to them a couple of years ago but never got into them for whatever reason. I gave them a second chance because Eric Kubli was talking about them in one of his comics (which you should totally go check out). Really, really good poppy ska influenced punk.
cool man, what comic did you finish?! you gotta sell them online!
Hah, I know, i know... I really need to get around to putting them up for sale here.
The comic I finished is called "The worst in everything". It's an 8 pager... but it's probably the longest and most jam packed comic I've ever done.
Not sure if I'm going to post it online yet... we'll see!
I honestly believe that, if you're not freaking out (at least a little), you're not pushing yourself as an artist. Or, maybe, that's just my way of rationalizing my own freak outs.
I'll have to give BtMI another shot. Like you, I've had their albums in my iTunes for years but never really listened to them much. You've got good musical taste though, man (you got me to recheck-out The Taxpayers), so maybe it's time for a fresh listen. Isn't Quote Unquote Records amazing? My All Time Favorite Album off that site it Cheap Girls' "Find Me A Drink Home." It rules in, like, 17 different ways!
FUN page!
hey jason.. your work reminds me of a teacher i used to have. his name is brian ralph, look him up you might enjoy it. youve got some nice stuff! keep up the good work
So many nice comments! THANK YOU, people!
Matt - I'll give that album a listen!
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