I feel like I keep saying the same things over and over again. It's as if I'm trying to refine exactly what I mean with each comic. With this internal struggle to be happy in a world that just drives me crazy. If it's getting repetitive please forgive me. I intend to move on from these depressing things eventually, but thinking about them takes up a lot of my time lately and it would be dishonest of me to write... I dunno, fart jokes or something.
Oh, also, I should point you at a little web comic that my friend Miguel has started up called
Maladjusted. He's got a couple of comics up now and I'm super curious to see where he goes with it.
You may think you're repeating - or refining - yourself, but I'm moved every time I read one of your strips, which is a rarity in comics. I identify so much with your stuff. And the coloring in this one looks amazing. Well done, sir.
I'll have to check out your link, too. Thanks for that.
Maybe it's just that I feel like I keep thinking about this stuff and nothing ever changes about the way I think about it? Come to think of it maybe I haven't wrote a lot of comics about this stuff.
I'm thinking about doing much more coloring in the future, I kind of like it.
very nice subtle texture to the colour, makes it look more organic like marker on paper
Jason you rock and your work is glorious and inspirational. Keep doing your thing.
This comics is great! I want to see more. As long as you keep challenging yourself to be better I wouldn't worry about seeming repetitive.
wow your comics look GREAT in color! is this vector art?
Thanks, everyone! your support means the world to me, really!
@Sam - yep, that's all vectors. Now I remember why I stopped doing vectors. Too damn time consuming.
I was lucky enough to come across Suffocated on tumblr, with a link to your blog and I have to say I think it's awesome. You so perfectly express what so many of us are feeling and the art is eye-catching as well. Thank you!
Just so you know, Reddit has picked up on this comic:
I noticed that. It's kind of funny and strange to see people get all fired up about this thing.
Totally dig the "texture".
The topic itself has been on my mind for the last few years. But I don't think this attitude to life isn't as depressing as the comic tries to be (underlined by the last panel) once you get over the morosity (philosophical intermission by Bruce Lee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7gz5deSQes).
I appreciate your honesty as always and feel the same way. Nice colouring and compositions.
I like your "depressing" comics
Nice for the shared experiences
I had a comic with similar thoughts a while back:
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