I went and saw a Basia Bulat show a little over a month ago and it was really incredible. I’m not really in churches that often but I was blow away at how good the music sounded in that space. I want this to happen more!
There’s some weirdness in this one… and things I want to change or add but I think I’m just going to let it go and move onto the next one.
Churches ARE awesome for concerts. Old churches anyway.
There's an amazing singer-songwriter from Buffalo named Ani DiFranco (maybe you've heard of her?) that operates her own record label, Righteous Babe, and recently bought an old cathedral and converted it into her office headquarters and a performance space called Babeland. My parents saw an Andrew Bird show there and said it was incredible. You're on to something with your idea. Oh, and beautiful comic.
no need to change anything...damn wonderful
Ani Difranco is full of good ideas, and music! I saw her play a few years back in this really awesome theater that was not unlike a church. She's a smart lady :)
Thanks Toon! it still bothers me that there are no street lights though... I think I'll add em in before it goes to print in any case.
dude, matt, your parents listen to andrew bird?! are you kidding me? my parents listen to contemporary christian music 100% un-ironically. and i know making your comics in illustrator (or whatever program you use) is probably torture, but damn jason, you're style looks GREAT vectorized!
Thanks, Sam! Some things are really hard to do in illustrator while others are really fun and interesting.
I dunno, it's a toss up. I'm starting to crave the brush again though.
I love that first panel.
I saw Adam Green in a church a few years back. If I were a Christian it would have been blasphemous.
every time i see your blog i have an intense desire to do some comics!!!!
We should totally get around to finishing that split comic we never did.
I really want to see a comic from you!
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