For the record, I don’t actually think I’m a failure. That’s not what this is about.
Not that I am successful by my own standards, either, but I am working on it. I want to make art, and I am, so that in itself is a victory. I just need to find a sustainable way to make art all the time.
Hope you dig it, this one took me way too long.
Jason <3
It has that retro look going on, which I think is cool. Maybe it is just the coloring. But who is to say that guy feels any better about himself. He might have an incredibly boring job and wishes that he pursued a path where he could express his creativity, instead of just being another suit.
I definitely have an affection for 50's era animation design, so yeah, I can see where the retro look comes from.
And yeah, everybody seems to hate their job. It's sort of depressing.
damn jason! this looks so good man! is it all vectors or are you just a brush master? i can't tell! i looks like brush strokes, but i don't understand how anyone could ink that clean! i love the detail on the shoes! MAN! this is so good!
Hah, thanks Sam! It's all vectors... and it took me FOREVER to draw the characters in here. It's pretty tedious work but i do like the results.
Glad you like it :)
It definitely has a very stylized, Cartoon-Network type feel to it. Looks incredible. Life as an artist isn't easy, man, but you're super-talented... you'll get there.
Well, I loved it and it was worth the long time it took! I love the retro feel of it for sure. And I could even relate to it and I'm a lot older than 26! It just sucks that it's so hard to make a living being an artist, but it CAN be done. I tell this to my husband too because he is a musician and it's hard to make a living doing that too.
'It's all costume anyway.'
The most unfortunate thing about modern life is that to live with any degree of a real life you have to leave it behind. I'd prefer to be a poor artist that gets to see a little bit of what the world has to offer than to sit behind a desk all day, and hop on to facebook at night broadening my horizons through other people's lives.
man, all those suits are living lives of quiet desperation. Your inking skills are excellent.
Hey thanks! and thanks for all the other comments you've left - appreciate it a whole ton!
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