For anyone who has read up to the end of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince you absolutely must check out the Scarred for life EP from the band Harry and the Potters. It's basically Harry Potter singing scathing hardcore songs about all the shit that happens in the book. I find it hilarious because it's such a silly idea played so straight. Brilliant! Check out the songs Blood of a Prince and Horcuxus. Of course, while you're at it you should check out everything else on their bandcamp page.
Also, Harry and the Potters are coming to Toronto in a couple of months - if you're in Toronto you should come and see them play with me! Excitement!
Remind me in time for it, and I will totally join you man.
The wonderful thing about books is that you can always go back and re-read the whole series again. I read my favorite books over and over. You never lose your attachment to a great story.
Fridge - It's a date!
Matt - I always go back to my favorite stories. There's nothing quite like letting a few years go by between readings and rediscover all of the little things that make them so special.
yeah, that was meh favorite character :/
I feel the same way. I was seriously lost after I finished the series.
yeah, I'm about half way through the last book now... excited to see how it ends... yet I don't really want it to be over.
That said, I'm glad it only has a finite amount of story - I can't stand it when things go on forever... kind of cheapens them, y'know?
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