First off: I've officially put Boredom Pays#3 up for sale on the left hand side of the page. It's 40 pages of comics collecting all but one of the diary comics I've been posting on here since last fall presented in glorious black and white at the appealing size of 5.5x7.25 inches. I'm selling if for $6, but it should take at least twice as long to read than the last two issues.
Also: I'm officially going to be tabling on the Sunday of TCAF in the small press room between 11am and 5pm which I am TOTALLY STOKED about! TCAF is a really important festival to me because it is largely responsible for introducing me to the world of mini comics which has had an enormous effect on my life. Also, two years ago at the festival I gave out copies of my comics for the first time EVER so it feels like a major accomplishment to be on the other side of the table with work I'm proud of.
I am so much more excited about comics than I ever have been right now. I've got a lot of plans for future strips and things I want to do with them. It can only go up from here.
With ever so much love,
Jason <3
Congrats. I really gotta make it up to TCAF (Toronto is only 3 hours away from Rochester and I hear it's wonderful... stupid 4-6 weeks for a passport... next year). Good luck; I hope you sell a ton of comics.
It's weird to think that we live so close. I always think anyone from Americaland to be super far away.
You should totally come next year!
Aw man! I wish I lived so close! TCAF sounds like a blast. Have fun man!
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